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Library Services for Faculty

The Libraries offer research help, library instruction, and support services for PennWest faculty members.

More Database Linking

Choose a tab below for linking instructions to items in other library resources. 

Create Permalinks in ACS

ACS links must be appended with OpenAthens authentication (see step 2 below)!

1. Copy the URL in the browser address bar on the html OR PDF version of an article.

2. Paste that link into the OpenAthens Link Generator and copy the OpenAthens link.


JSTOR Stable URLs are permalinks but they need OpenAthens added to the link in order to authenticate PennWest users. Remote Access URLs, usually only available on journal articles, can be used as permalinks without changing the link.

If an item is tagged as  on JSTOR the Stable URL does not need changed.

Locate Remote Access URLs for journal articles (see below for book chapters).

1. Access the article for the item you wish to link to, which may require you to click the article title from a result list.

2. Locate the “Remote Access URL”, available under item details.

Create book chapter permalinks on JSTOR

1. Access the ebook record or open the chapter for the item you wish to link to, which may require you to click from a result list.

2. Copy the stable URL.

3. Add the link to the Open Athens Link Generator and copy the generated link. is a search tool for accessing scholarly journal articles based on an article's DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or PMID (PubMed Identifier). It can also be used to create permalinks to articles if you have one of these IDs. Not all articles have them, but if they do the best places to look are the first page of the article or the article record in a library database, such as OneSearch. 

DOI’s usually start with “10.”. Here are some examples:


PMIDs are 1 to 8 digit numbers.

DOIs listed in articles and databases sometimes start with or That is not actually part of the DOI.

Create permalinks using and DOI/PMIDs.

1. Enter the DOI(without or or PMID in Click "Find DOI".

Libkeyio paste DOI or PMID

2. Copy the browser URL on the result page for the the DOI/PMID search. That is a permalink.

Create Permalinks to articles on OVID

OVID links must be appended with OpenAthens authentication (see step 2 below)!

1. Open the PDF or html full text of an article and click Email Jumpstart to generate a link.

2. Paste the Email Jumpstart link into the the OpenAthens Link Generator and copy the OpenAthens link.

Create a permalink to a chapter or full title

All Oxford ebooks are unlimited simultaneous user access.

Persistent links created on the Oxford platforms must be appended with OpenAthens authentication (see step 2 below)!

1. Click the Share button and email yourself a link.

2. Paste that link into the OpenAthens Link Generator and copy the OpenAthens link.

Proquest refers to permalinks as “Document URLs”. You can locate them on the Details page.

To find Proquest permalinks (“Document URLs”):

1. Open the full text of the document and click Details

2. Scroll down to the Document URL and copy the link.

Create a permalink to a chapter or full title

All Sage Knowledge ebooks are unlimited simultaneous user access.

Permalinks created on Sage must be appended with OpenAthens authentication (see step 2 below)!

1. Click “Get Link” on a chapter or full title




2. Paste that link into the OpenAthens Link Generator and copy the OpenAthens link.


Create Permalinks to articles on ScienceDirect

ScienceDirect links must be appended with OpenAthens authentication (see step 2 below)!

1. Copy the URL in the browser address bar on the html version (not PDF) of an article.

2. Paste that link into the OpenAthens Link Generator and copy the OpenAthens link.

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