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Request It - Interlibrary Loan

Use Request It to access articles, books, and book chapters not available from the PennWest Libraries.

Request It - Interlibrary Loan

Request It is our interlibrary loan (ILL) service provided to current students, current and/or retired faculty, staff, and administrators. Requests can be placed for books, book chapters, articles, media, and more. Items can be scanned and delivered electronically, physically mailed to a campus location, or mailed to your residence. When searching our library catalog, OneSearch, or databases, look for the "Request It" link to borrow items.

Book and Multimedia Requests

  • Physical materials can take about one week (7 days) to be delivered to your Campus Library. However, if the item is very popular, of a newer copyright, or is not owned by many libraries, it can take up to two weeks to receive the request. 
  • Physical requests will be placed on hold for on campus patrons OR the item will be mailed to 100% online or off-campus patrons. We use UPS as our delivery service. 

Article and Book Chapter Requests

  • Articles and book chapter requests are electronically received and are generally filled within 24-48 hours, not including weekends.  However, if the item title is not owned by many libraries, it can take up to two weeks to receive the request electronically.
  • Requested articles and book chapters are delivered directly to your Request It account. You must log in to view delivered articles. Articles will remain accessible in your account for 90 days.

Need help using Request It? Check out our tutorial below or contact us.

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