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Library Services for Faculty

The Libraries offer research help, library instruction, and support services for PennWest faculty members.

Course Reserves

Course reserves is a service provided by the Libraries that allows you to make course materials available to your students in print or electronic format. Materials placed on reserve can include physical print items, electronic articles, and media items. Students can access physical items in any of our campus library locations and electronic items through our Course Reserves page. Electronic course reserves can also be linked directly in your D2L course.

Using course reserves helps students gain easy access to materials and helps alleviate the burden of textbook costs. If you are interested in putting items on reserve for your courses, please complete our Course Reserve Form or contact one of the following individuals:

PennWest California - Skip Wounick,

PennWest Clarion - Melissa Pierce,

PennWest Edinboro - Stefanie Ambro,

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