For the resources listed below, use the resource’s individual platform, rather than OneSearch, to create permalinks.
Instructions for these are available on the tabs below.
Create permalinks to articles or ebooks in EBSCOhost databases.
1. Locate the item you wish to link to and click the title link in the result list to view the full record.
2. To create a link, click (share) or simply copy the browser URL. Note about ebook chapters: browser URLS do not work for linking directly to ebook chapters. Go to the chapter/page of the ebook and use
(share) to create a link to ebook chapters or specific pages!
Create Permalinks to images or folders on Artstor
Link to individual images on Artstor
1. Locate the image on Artstor.
2. Highlight and copy the “Remote Access URL", found on the lower right of the image.
Link to a folder on Artstor (for linking students to multiple images at once)
1. Access Artstor and click “Workspace” on the top menu.
2. Open the folder and click the Share button
3. If prompted, click to allow sharing with "Pennsylvania Western University" and then click "Copy Link".
4. Paste the link into a document or text editor and add "https://" to the beginning of the link.
ex. Original copied link:
Change to:
5. Copy the link beginning with "https://" and paste it into the OpenAthens Link Generator.
Create Permalinks to CQ Research reports
1. Copy the Document URL located at the bottom of the page.
2. Paste that link into the OpenAthens Link Generator and copy the OpenAthens link.
Create a permalink in Gale databases and ebooks
1. Open the document or book and click the button.
2. Copy the generated link. Do not add OpenAthens to the link.
Create a permalink to a complete ebook (see instructions below linking to specific chapters)
Proquest allows full title, chapter, and page level permalinks.
1. Open the ebook.
2. Click .
3. Copy the URL
To create a persistent link to a chapter or page.
1. Click the Read Online button or select “Read Online” in the table of contents for chapter links.
2. Click (share link) icon on the top menu of a page/chapter. Copy that link.
Create Permalinks in Statista
Browser URLs in Statista are permalinks, but the URL needs changed in order to authenticate PennWest users.
1. Copy the browser URL on a report, graphic, or other media.
2. Paste the link into a document editor (Word, email, etc) and change the dashes in the first part of the URL to periods and remove from.
3. Paste the new URL into the OpenAthens Link Generator.