Permalinks (also called stable links, persistent URLs, etc) are URLs that point directly to articles, ebooks, videos, and other materials in library databases. By placing these links in your D2L course, or sharing by email or another method, you can easily direct your students to required course content. Unlike most webpages, the URL in your browser address bar will most often not work when linking to library resources.
OneSearch includes most library resources and is therefore the simplest way to create permalinks to most items.
In addition to using OneSearch, you may also create permalinks directly to content on other database, ebook, and journal platforms such as ScienceDirect, JSTOR, OVID, and others. By using, you can also create permalinks to journal articles using DOIs(Digital Object Identifiers) and PMIDs (PubMed IDs).
Some ebooks on Proquest ebook Central and EBSCO have limited simultaneous users, which can be problematic for required class readings. Simultaneous use restrictions are noted on the ebook record in both platforms.
You can also seamlessly integrate library resources with your D2L course by adding the LibApps External Learning Tool. By adding this tool, you can provide students direct access to a relevant library guide, available course reserves, and options to contact a librarian. Instructions for how to add the tool are below.
If you have questions about using this tool, please contact your Department/Program Librarian for assistance.