We subscribe to a number of EBSCO collections of ebooks. For more detailed information, visit EBSCO's short guide or search through the the EBSCO help pages. Some basic considerations for working with EBSCO ebooks include...
- To read EBSCO ebooks, (EPUB format) you will need to have Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) installed on your device. Books indexed by other publishers (via EBSCO) may provide PDF or other alternative formats.
- To download/print/save a book or chapter, EBSCO requires you to create an account first (within EBSCO). The account is free and also provides added features and functionality when searching our selection of EBSCO databases and indexes.
- There are various options including downloading for later opening. At the point of downloading, you will select a checkout length, and when that time expires you will be locked out of access to the book. You may wish to try the Bluefire reader which works with Apple iOS, Android, and Windows.
- The checkout time is seven days (but may be extended).
- A window will display informing you of the status of the book and offer to place a hold at that time. If a book is checked out, then you can place a hold on it.
- If you use the "Send to Kindle" option, you will need to have the text converted to PDF before using it.
- There is a printing limit of 60 pages. This may vary according to the publisher. Some works may not allow any printing at all.