The Congressional Quarterly library subscriptions are great resources to find information on current & historic legislation, public policy and more in the United States.
CQ ResearcherThis link opens in a new windowNoted for its award-winning in-depth, unbiased coverage of health, social trends, criminal justice, international affairs, education, the environment, technology and the economy; each single-themed report is researched and written by a seasoned journalist, footnoted and professionally fact checked. Reports are published online 44 times a year by CQ Press, an imprint of SAGE Publications. (2012-present).
National & State Resources
Congressional Budget OfficeNonpartisan, independent analysis of budgetary and economic issues relevant to Congressional actions.
Congressional Research Service ReportsCRS serves Congress by providing research, analysis, and information. Their reports offer useful policy information.
GAO: U.S. Government Accountability OfficeGAO is an independent, nonpartisan agency--commonly called the investigative arm of Congress, or the congressional watchdog--that monitors how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars. tracks the United States Congress. You can track federal legislation, and get information about representatives and senators in Congress. Includes statistical analyses, bill summaries, and other tools to put information in context.
U.S. Conference of Mayors: ReportsAccess a variety of reports from the USCM, the official non-partisan organization of cities with a population of 30,000 or larger. U.S. Legislative is the official website for U.S. federal legislative information. Includes: legislation activity, Public Laws, U.S. Code, appropriations, member information, and more.
Data.Census.govThis is the official, primary access point for data and digital content from the U.S. Census Bureau. It covers national, state, county, and city levels. When you want data, come here.
Rural Resources
Atlas of Rural and Small-Town AmericaThe Atlas provides over 60 socioeconomic indicators down to the county level, including demographic, economic, and agricultural information. In addition to the visual maps, you can download data in spreadsheet format.
Center for Rural PennsylvaniaA bipartisan, bicameral legislative agency that serves as a resource for rural policy within the Pennsylvania General Assembly.
Rural Health Information Hub"Your first stop for rural health information." RHIH is funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy as a national clearinghouse on rural health issues. You can browse by state or topic, view rural data visualizations, or find other resources in the library.
Rural Policy Research Institute: LibraryRUPRI "provides unbiased analysis and information on the challenges, needs, and opportunities facing rural America." The library provides resources organized into 25 categories, including both textual and audiovisual formats. (From the Univ. of Iowa)
Policy Resources
PEW Research CenterA respected nonpartisan "fact tank" that conducts public opinion polling, demographic analysis, and social science research.
Think Tank SearchWhen looking for public policy information, don't overlook "Think Tanks". They often produce valuable research reports on policy topics. This tool searches hundreds of these organizations for research and policy development information. From the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
Other Resources
Justice in Aging: Resource LibraryAccess resources from the Justice in Aging organization. This national organization "uses the power of law to fight senior poverty by securing access to affordable health care, economic security, and the courts for older adults with limited resources."
NASW: Evidence-Based PracticeDefinitions and links to resources regarding evidenced-based practices in social work. From the National Association of Social Workers.
NASW Pioneers Biography IndexDiscover how well-known and lesser-known social workers have had an impact on the profession and social policy from the local to the federal and global levels.
Northern Appalachian Studies GuideA research guide providing resources for understanding Northern Appalachian culture, issues, and challenges.