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NURS 8088: Analytic Methods for Evidence-Based Practice

This guide supports the NURS 8088 course at PennWest University.

Dissemination of Research

A dissemination plan can help you effectively share your research. When creating your dissemination plan, consider the following:

  • Goal - What are the goals and objectives of this dissemination effort? What impact do you hope to have?
  • Audience - Who is most affected by this research? Who would be interested in learning about your findings? 
  • Medium - What is the most effective way to reach your audience? 
  • Execution - When should each aspect of the dissemination plan occur? Who will be responsible for dissemination activities?


Some key characteristics of an effective dissemination plan include:

  • Orient toward the needs of the audience, using appropriate language and information levels.
  • Include various dissemination methods: written text with illustrations, graphs, and figures; electronic or web-based; oral presentations at conferences.
  • Leverage existing resources, relationships, and networks fully.


Different strategies and methods to include in your dissemination plan include the following: media coverage, press release, research summary document, flyers, posters, brochures, research briefs, policy briefs, newsletters, community agency publications, websites, listservs, local events, seminars, conferences, community meetings, and thank you letters to participants.


Adapted from "Strategies for Disseminating Research Findings," Yale Center for Clinical Investigation

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