"The Luck of the Irish"
Ian Mulligan, Hunter Garman
"The Hauntings of Nemacolin Castle"
Reilly Helmininack, Angelina Caruso
"Bruce Driesbach | Pictures are Worth a Thousand Words"
Leilani Torres, Courteney Venesky
"The Gilded Era"
Annie Connolly, Bella Ranallo
"The Tombstone of Job Johnson"
Nikki Akor, Princess Obia
"Coffee Pot Joe II"
"A House on Maiden Street"
Angelina Battistone, Addy Beich, Maddy Olewnick
"A Library Desk"
Adam Luther, Bethlehem Linde, Kayli Miller
"The Woman Who Shaped Brownsville"
Anna Stewart, Ciara Giran
"The Good Days of Donora"
Taylor Wright, Jacob Kerfonta
"Streetcar Called Home"
Jada Shipley, Braden Shoupe, Samuel Persinger
"The Duquesne Incline and the '36 Flood"
Sara Moses, Isabella Hernandeszire, Sidney Christensen
"The Heroic Tale of the Neill Log House"
Soraya Gibb, Carrie Dunton, Hannah J