When you are searching for information on the Web, you want to make sure you are locating relevant, credible, and accurate information. The video below highlights four important aspects of a website you should consider when doing research on the Web.
If you cannot access the above video, you can watch it here
A tool you can use for website evaluation is the CRAAP Test. This is a helpful checklist you can use when looking at a website to determine if you have found good information.
When was the information published? |
RELEVANCE | Does the information directly relate to your topic? Have you looked at a variety of sources to locate the best information? |
AUTHORITY | Who is the author or source? What are their credentials? |
ACCURACY | Has the information been reviewed and supported with evidence? Are there typographical or spelling errors? |
PURPOSE | What is the purpose of the information (inform, sell, entertain, etc.)? Is the information fact, opinion, or propaganda? Is is unbiased? |