Welcome to the Chemistry Guide. This guide will introduce you to resources that may help you with your assignments and projects. If you need assistance, please visit the Help page.
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CAS databases from the American Chemical Society. This is the premier database for researching chemistry and the life sciences (including biochemistry, biology, pharmacology, medicine, etc.)
OneSearchThis link opens in a new windowOneSearch combines most of the library's resources into a single database. Rather than search databases separately, you can do just "one search." OneSearch includes articles, ebooks and books, and more.
Google ScholarThis link opens in a new windowUse this link to show PennWest full text in your Google Scholar results.
Web Resources
National Institute of Standards and TechnologyTechnology, measurement, and standards information from the NIST, a non-regulatory agency within the Department of Commerce. You can search their Science Data Portal for a wide range of information.
National Science Digital LibraryNSDL was created by the National Science Foundation to provide educators at all levels of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education with innovative teaching resources and tools.
PDB-101: Educational Portal for Protein Data BankPDB-101 is for teachers, students, and the general public to promote exploration of proteins and nucleic acids. How does it differ from the Protein Data Bank? PDB is the central storehouse of biomolecular structures--but is designed for experts. PDB-101 builds introductory materials designed to help beginners get started. It's the "101," entry level, course. From RCSB.
Periodic TableA one-stop site for data on every element! Start with the periodic table of elements and explore data, values, etc. for each element. Includes direct links to Wikipedia articles on each element.
Protein Data BankThe Protein Data Bank (PDB) serves as a repository of information about the 3D structures of proteins, nucleic acids, and complex assemblies. If you find this advanced site difficult to work with, consider using the PDB-101 site. From RCSB.
PubChem: Explore ChemistryPubChem is an open chemistry database from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It focuses on small molecules, but does include molecules such as nucleotides, carbohydrates, lipids, peptides, and chemically-modified macromolecules. You will find information on chemical and physical properties, biological activities, patents, health, toxicity data, and more.
Science.govProvides access to authoritative, selected science information from U.S. Government agencies, including research and development results. (Link goes to the Advanced Search. For the Basic search screen, click on their "Home" link in the menu.)
Wolfram|Alpha: ChemistryWolfram|Alpha is a "computational knowledge engine." It generates results based on computations from its internal knowledge base. Great for factual, statistical, and numerical information. This link focuses on chemistry.