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Recommended Websites
Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History
A chronological, geographical, and thematic global-exploration of art from pre-history to the present, as represented in the Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection.
Louvre Museum
An interactive museum experience on the web! This site allows visitors to tour the palace's galleries and gardens, as well as view 35,000 works and 140,000 drawings from the permanent collection.
Metropolitan Museum of Art
View Exhibitions, Study and Research museum collections and art movements, visit collection databases, or even plan your own trip to the MET.
Other Websites
American Alliance of Museums
An organization of over 3,000 museums and 15,000 professional staff members, as well as volunteers.
Art Cyclopedia
Articles, museum links, and image archives for numerous artists, movements, artworks, and more.
College Art Association of America
Publishers of The Art Bulletin and Art Journal.
Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the US
Outlines the term of copyright for a variety of situations. From Cornell University.
Evaluating Websites
Want to try to determine whether or not the source you're about to use contains good information? This is one resource to use - the CRAAP test from CSU Chico. PDF document.
National Art Education Association
Of particular interest to Art Education students, this is an organization for "visual arts educators, college professors, researchers, administrators, and museum educators."
A "multi-media web-book designed as a dynamic enhancement ... for the traditional art history textbook."
UDEMY Courses
Free online courses from UDEMY. This link is for their Graphic Design courses, but a number of other art-related courses exist.