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Video Resources
Academic Video Online (AVON) This link opens in a new window
The database includes scholarly video material of virtually every video type: documentaries, interviews, performances, news programs and newsreels, field recordings, commercials, demonstrations, original and raw footage including tens of thousands of exclusive tiles. There are thousands of award-winning films, along with the most frequently used films for classroom instruction, plus newly released films and previously unavailable archival material.
CDC-TV is an online video resource available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC-TV covers a variety of health, safety, and preparedness topics, including Data & Statistics, Diseases & Conditions, Emergency Preparedness & Response, Environmental Health, Healthy Living, Vital Signs, and more.
Nursing Research: Reading, Using, and Creating Evidence
This webinar from Jones & Bartlett Learning features author and expert Janet Houser on the topic of nursing research and evidence-based practice. In this informative webinar, Janet discusses how to teach nursing students how to read and use research in evidence-based practice.
PICO: A Model for Evidence Based Research
This tutorial from the Binghamton University Libraries will teach you how to use PICO, a model that outlines your clinical research question.
Lippencott Nursing Center - Evidence Based Practice playlist