MGMT 4750: Nonprofit Management
Learn about the nonprofit sector, social entrepreneurship, governing boards, philanthropy, earned income strategies, advocacy, lobbying, fundraising, leadership, and other nonprofit topics. Classic and current, domestic and international cases show how management theory and practice apply in this fast-growing sector of the economy.
Welcome to the MGMT 4750: Nonprofit Management Guide. This LibGuide is for doing research on Nonprofit Management and can help you with your assignments or projects. Click through the tabs on the left for information on using books and eBooks, journals and databases, and web resources to research business information.
Use the Journals and Databases tab to find journal articles and databases that are relevant to company related topics. The Web Resources tab contains links to business web sites. Refer to the Citations and Style Guides tab for links to information about matters of style and creating citations. More help is available through the Help tab.