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DNP Library Resources

This guide supports the DNP program at PennWest University.

Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a problem solving approach to clinical practice and decision making within healthcare. EBP integrates a systematic search for and critical appraisal of the most relevant evidence to answer a clinical question, personal clinical expertise, and patient preferences and values (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2014). The EBP process allows the practitioner to assess research, clinical guidelines, and other information resources based on high quality findings and apply the results to practice.

Source: AMSN, Evidence-Based Practice


The following are the basic key concepts of evidence-based practice:

  1. Ask a clinical question
  2. Search the published literature
  3. Appraise the articles
  4. Integrate the findings into your practice
  5. Evaluate the results
  6. Disseminate (share) your findings


Additional resources for evidence-based practice:

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